Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
moody !
Salam semua , today tired,mood plk kejap2 onn, kjap2 off,rse na marah sume owg je today. Pegi skolh je kwn 2 ak sume kne marah ang ak. Haaha, soriee okee. Ta de mood lh kwn !
Blek skolh je mymom ajak temankan dea g alamanda g bli brang. Bosann gilee, na text DEA plk bz keje, hp lngsung ta berbunyi. Kejap txt kejap ta. Menanti message masuk dri dea.
Mlm smlm sedih sgtt. Nanges lgy ke kaw neyh yana ?
Iyee saye terlalu memaksa anda kankankan biey ? Mendesak anda ? Saye neyh memenatkan anda ?nvm ini lah perangai sye. If awk ta suke, terpulang larh.
Mlas na taip panjang2. Ta taw na tulis pe lgy. Bosann ! Ak bosan ! Ewmm sadsadsad !
Blek skolh je mymom ajak temankan dea g alamanda g bli brang. Bosann gilee, na text DEA plk bz keje, hp lngsung ta berbunyi. Kejap txt kejap ta. Menanti message masuk dri dea.
Mlm smlm sedih sgtt. Nanges lgy ke kaw neyh yana ?
Iyee saye terlalu memaksa anda kankankan biey ? Mendesak anda ? Saye neyh memenatkan anda ?nvm ini lah perangai sye. If awk ta suke, terpulang larh.
Mlas na taip panjang2. Ta taw na tulis pe lgy. Bosann ! Ak bosan ! Ewmm sadsadsad !
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The real love
Today rse mcm bermalas2 na update blog, tpy demi kesetiaan ku utk meluahkan sedikit perasaan isi hati di sini, ak sanggup menahan mate malam2 begini dok mengadap lappy ! *ayat gelii2 je neyh* HAHA. Mlm2 bwu rse ade feel, mood okee je neyh. Heee
Pengumuman buat sume, yna tulis blog neyh bkn nye ape juz suke2 je. Utk share sdikit saje kankankan. alaala.
Title psl love lgy, dh ta de bende laen ke yna oii asyik na ckp psl love awkk tho je. HAHA, hati sye berkate ; Slah ke sye na lovelove neyh ? psl sye ngah angau gilee dkt dea. Hahahaha.
fyi, ak dh penat na menjawab sume pertanyaan dri kawan2 ak yg slalu na bwt ak 'panas' je dgn soalan dowg tho. "Knape kaw choose dea ? kan rmai lgy partner yg sbetulnye utk kaw ?"
So yna na jwb kali terakhir.
Mao berfalsafah
speaking english jup ; HAHA
Everyone falls in love differently. Some fast,some slow,some unexpectedly,some with the same sex. But everyone falls in love for different reasons, And everyone falls in love with different ppl.. In the end its only the falling in love part that matters.
*Paham ke ta phm neyh ? if ta phm, bwt2 reti phm okee. Yg dh phm tho diamkan je.
Lastly aku na happy selalu je, hope dea bolee bwt aku happy selalu !
Pengumuman buat sume, yna tulis blog neyh bkn nye ape juz suke2 je. Utk share sdikit saje kankankan. alaala.
Title psl love lgy, dh ta de bende laen ke yna oii asyik na ckp psl love awkk tho je. HAHA, hati sye berkate ; Slah ke sye na lovelove neyh ? psl sye ngah angau gilee dkt dea. Hahahaha.
fyi, ak dh penat na menjawab sume pertanyaan dri kawan2 ak yg slalu na bwt ak 'panas' je dgn soalan dowg tho. "Knape kaw choose dea ? kan rmai lgy partner yg sbetulnye utk kaw ?"
So yna na jwb kali terakhir.
Mao berfalsafah
speaking english jup ; HAHA
Everyone falls in love differently. Some fast,some slow,some unexpectedly,some with the same sex. But everyone falls in love for different reasons, And everyone falls in love with different ppl.. In the end its only the falling in love part that matters.
*Paham ke ta phm neyh ? if ta phm, bwt2 reti phm okee. Yg dh phm tho diamkan je.
Lastly aku na happy selalu je, hope dea bolee bwt aku happy selalu !
Thursday, April 22, 2010
tajuk ?
Pengumumuan buat bapak-bapak, ibuk-ibuk, makcek2 pakcek2 , dtuk nenek d kampung. Ayam itik sume ! Merepek je neyh. HAHA, Rendu na tlis blog. Merepek meraban di sini. Sudah sekian lame berabad nye yna dh lme ta update blog kankankan. Ade yg tnye ' Ble yna na update blog lgy neyh ' ? Wahh, ade gak yg berminat na sudi bace blog yana yg ta seberape sgtt neyh. Terima kasih sgt2 tawtawtaw. Terharu dibuatnye. Heee . Bknnye ape, semenjak duatiga menjak neyh aku terlampau bz sgt. Bz ape ? bz memikirkan psl si DIA ? spespe ek ? HAHAHA, Tettttttttt...
*OHH mybebiey renduu gilee dktt awkk tawtawtaw. Awk pon bz work je kan, sometimes ta de mse utk ite, ta pe ite phm. Sbb saye sayang awkk taw. Bkin skit. Byk sgtt. Heee *
Tukar topic blek,
Ohhh exam mid-year dh na dkat. Bln 5 neyh lh. Study entah ke mane, na kate ak mengadap lappy je ta jugak. Everyday, blek skolh tdo,rest,bwt hmwork. Smpai ta de mse na study ? aishhh, ye ke ? wahhh tipuu je neyh. Act bz psl tiap mlm tngu dea blek snggup tdo lewat just na text-ing ang dea. Haha, Then belom puas lgy gayut smpai ite same2 dh ta lrat na ckp. Teros terlena. Weeee
Awkk, sye ade nmpk neyh awk tlis
"i dont know wat want 2 say... sayang.... bie cintakan baby sgt2... just u.. u make me fall in lurv wiv u... u steal my heart.. u show me ur love.. im soe coz alwayz hurting u... baby da byk bsabar nan kerenah bie.. baby byk tlong bie ble bie ssah.. baby tenangkan bie bile bie sediyh.. baby paam k'adaan bie.. u so much perfect 4 me.. syg.. u my life... my love.. my heart.. i love you so much....!!!! 2 d other dont u dare take her from me..!! u will die if u do dat..!! she's mine!!! SHARIFAH NURDAYANA <3"
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet nye awkk. HAHAHA. Thanks taw. Sgt2. Terharuu gileee. Ite taw even awk atau ite byk wt silap, tpy sume tho dh lepas. Ite pon dh lupekan. Ite taw awk ade ite je kankankan ? heeee. Sayang awkk kebabommmm ! montelllsayeanje tettttttttttt... <3
wananis. Ermuaaaaaaahx.
yehaaaaaaaa, ta sabar na dateee ang awkk esk ! yeppieeee! ulalalala ! HAHAHA. Excited na ngedate ang awkk taw. Iloveeyouumoree bebieey. Penat dh na tekan-tekan menaip neyh. Mate pon dh nanak pejam2 celik. Mengantok. Sambung nty, daaaaaaa. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
*OHH mybebiey renduu gilee dktt awkk tawtawtaw. Awk pon bz work je kan, sometimes ta de mse utk ite, ta pe ite phm. Sbb saye sayang awkk taw. Bkin skit. Byk sgtt. Heee *
Tukar topic blek,
Ohhh exam mid-year dh na dkat. Bln 5 neyh lh. Study entah ke mane, na kate ak mengadap lappy je ta jugak. Everyday, blek skolh tdo,rest,bwt hmwork. Smpai ta de mse na study ? aishhh, ye ke ? wahhh tipuu je neyh. Act bz psl tiap mlm tngu dea blek snggup tdo lewat just na text-ing ang dea. Haha, Then belom puas lgy gayut smpai ite same2 dh ta lrat na ckp. Teros terlena. Weeee
Awkk, sye ade nmpk neyh awk tlis
"i dont know wat want 2 say... sayang.... bie cintakan baby sgt2... just u.. u make me fall in lurv wiv u... u steal my heart.. u show me ur love.. im soe coz alwayz hurting u... baby da byk bsabar nan kerenah bie.. baby byk tlong bie ble bie ssah.. baby tenangkan bie bile bie sediyh.. baby paam k'adaan bie.. u so much perfect 4 me.. syg.. u my life... my love.. my heart.. i love you so much....!!!! 2 d other dont u dare take her from me..!! u will die if u do dat..!! she's mine!!! SHARIFAH NURDAYANA <3"
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet nye awkk. HAHAHA. Thanks taw. Sgt2. Terharuu gileee. Ite taw even awk atau ite byk wt silap, tpy sume tho dh lepas. Ite pon dh lupekan. Ite taw awk ade ite je kankankan ? heeee. Sayang awkk kebabommmm ! montelllsayeanje tettttttttttt... <3
wananis. Ermuaaaaaaahx.
yehaaaaaaaa, ta sabar na dateee ang awkk esk ! yeppieeee! ulalalala ! HAHAHA. Excited na ngedate ang awkk taw. Iloveeyouumoree bebieey. Penat dh na tekan-tekan menaip neyh. Mate pon dh nanak pejam2 celik. Mengantok. Sambung nty, daaaaaaa. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
myLOVE !
Sygg, imissyouusomuchy. Everyday ite gado2 kan syg ? Hahaha, Ta pe lh mengeratkan lgy silaturahim kankan ? U are My love, My lover, My friend, My one, My only, My end.
The one, Who owns, My heart.
Iwantneedmisshugkissyouu moree bebieey <3
From the first time I saw you
To this very day
Who ever knew
Wed be this way
Were happy one minute
Then you become mad
After seeing you like that
I become sad
Its reality, though
But yeah, its tough
You got to take it slow
And sand down the rough
It seems harder than most
And better than some
Nothing is perfect
Oh what weve become
So fragile and staggered
So beaten and worn down
Use to love that cute smile
But all I see now, is a frown
It hurts me so much
It makes me start to cry
I just decide to lay there
And wonder, oh why
Why are you with me
If I make you this way
Cause its called love
And Ill love you everyday
Lovelovelove <3
-urlovely yana-
Monday, March 29, 2010
Crying again again again !!!
Break up ? Ta taw lh ape salah aku, smpai sume bende neyh jd mcm makin terok relationship ite. Dea yg mentak , aku still lgy bolee na tnggu dea. Ewmmm bodooo lh kaw yna. Kaw na tngu ape lgy ? na tngu dea ckp break lgy bwu kaw leh accept ?
Im stupidd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smakin hari smakin jaoh dh relationship ite, ta mcm dlu dh. Everythg dh berubah. Im miss youu badly :( i na u yg dulu. Soriee for everything.
Im stupidd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smakin hari smakin jaoh dh relationship ite, ta mcm dlu dh. Everythg dh berubah. Im miss youu badly :( i na u yg dulu. Soriee for everything.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
this for youu
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tired ! Finish exm monthly test March.
Yeppiee ! exm bw je abis. Bolee relax2 kejap. Amboii jgn na relax sgt lh kan. Hee. Tdi penat gilee at skolh. Igt dh plan na pnteng kan. Biee syg pon ckp jgn pegi skolh. Haha, ntah pape je, ta bgi owg g skolh. Haha
Today 1day kne raptai je. Dh lh penat tunggu giliran. Npe lh cekgu ta buat pelajar2 amek anugerah teros balek, ta pyh na tnggu2. Esk sabtu..arghhh pagi2 kene bangun g skolh. Parents kne ikot skli. Ak dh merungut mls na gi. Ayah ak paksa gak gi. Mls gilee na amek. If amek teros blek ta pe lh gk kan, neyh kne tngu smpai majlis tho abis. Lamee kowt. Ntah pape je skolh neyh.
Ehh, miss nye dkt biee. Nananak date !! ite bz awk pon bz kan bie ? hukz sedihh jewp. Sygg, ite na pesan neyh, awk byk2 bersabar okee. Yee lah kan, awk ngah byk bende prob. Aishh mcm2 kan syg,awk anggap neyh sume dugaan utk awk taw. Ite sntiase ade dgn awkk taw biee. Awkk ingat taw. Tiap hari makin sayang & love <3 love <3 love
awkk. Heee angau lagy dkt awkk taw. weeee.
Today 1day kne raptai je. Dh lh penat tunggu giliran. Npe lh cekgu ta buat pelajar2 amek anugerah teros balek, ta pyh na tnggu2. Esk sabtu..arghhh pagi2 kene bangun g skolh. Parents kne ikot skli. Ak dh merungut mls na gi. Ayah ak paksa gak gi. Mls gilee na amek. If amek teros blek ta pe lh gk kan, neyh kne tngu smpai majlis tho abis. Lamee kowt. Ntah pape je skolh neyh.
Ehh, miss nye dkt biee. Nananak date !! ite bz awk pon bz kan bie ? hukz sedihh jewp. Sygg, ite na pesan neyh, awk byk2 bersabar okee. Yee lah kan, awk ngah byk bende prob. Aishh mcm2 kan syg,awk anggap neyh sume dugaan utk awk taw. Ite sntiase ade dgn awkk taw biee. Awkk ingat taw. Tiap hari makin sayang & love <3 love <3 love
awkk. Heee angau lagy dkt awkk taw. weeee.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Kawan ke ?
Now rse nye, main hari makin rmai yg berubah. Sume dh laen. Sume dh ta bolee na dipercayai. Ade kawan ke aku neyh ? Lebih baek aku ta ngaku kaw kawan aku. Drpd aku jd hipokrit kan. Silakanlh, menah2 kepoh datin2, kutuk mengutuk,mengumpat,citer hal owg, buruk2 kan owg then cter dkt sume owg psl ak. Kaw gi larh cter2 dgn geng kaw yg perangai mcm beruk at hutan tho. haha. Kowg na benci aku ? benci lh. Ak lgy suke kowt owg benci ak, drpd berpura2 buat baek dpn ak. Dkt belakang fitnah ak mcm2. Ape yg kowg bwt tho lgy bgy aku makin popular je. Haha.
Now ak rse ak lebih focus myfamily and mybieey je. Entah knape, rse mls na berkawan. Psl kawan lh, mcm2 bende terjadi. Peduli lh if kowg still angap ak kawan ke ape, but fyi ak rse lebih elok ak ta berkawan. Bcause ta rugi pon ak ilang kawan. Ak rse baek ak share prob ak ang family ak je. Psl dowg yg byk bagi ak support. Dowg yg byk bgi ak semangat. Thanks mymom bcause dye memahami aku. Dea yg pujok ak time ak dh nekad na pindah skolh, dea yg byk nasihat ak. Aku rse bersyukur sgt dpt family yg paham ak mcm neyh. Thanks to mybrother,(angah) dea yg tolong ak time ak susah. Dea byk back up ak. Owg yg ta de kaitan ang aku tho jgn na sebok hal aku bodo ! Aku ta sebok hal kaw, so kaw jgn na sebok hal aku !
Life ak lebih baek ta de kwn, ak dh ta heran dlu ade kawan rapat sume, but now ak rse if ade ke ta de, ak ta kesah dh sume tho. Now life ak lgy beter dri dlu. Byk bende yg ak belajar. Bia owg na ckp ak sombong ke ape. Tiade spe yg taw ap ak alami skunk. Spe2 yg penah rapat ang aku dulu, thanks for everything okee.
*Opss kaw terase ke ? kesah ke aku. Haha, peduli lh weyh. Aku dh penat and bosan na dgr prob kaw tho je larh. Kaw jgn kawan dgn aku lgy lh weyh, ak kejam. Lgy kejam. So jgn dekat2 dgn ak lgy. Haha*
Now ak rse ak lebih focus myfamily and mybieey je. Entah knape, rse mls na berkawan. Psl kawan lh, mcm2 bende terjadi. Peduli lh if kowg still angap ak kawan ke ape, but fyi ak rse lebih elok ak ta berkawan. Bcause ta rugi pon ak ilang kawan. Ak rse baek ak share prob ak ang family ak je. Psl dowg yg byk bagi ak support. Dowg yg byk bgi ak semangat. Thanks mymom bcause dye memahami aku. Dea yg pujok ak time ak dh nekad na pindah skolh, dea yg byk nasihat ak. Aku rse bersyukur sgt dpt family yg paham ak mcm neyh. Thanks to mybrother,(angah) dea yg tolong ak time ak susah. Dea byk back up ak. Owg yg ta de kaitan ang aku tho jgn na sebok hal aku bodo ! Aku ta sebok hal kaw, so kaw jgn na sebok hal aku !
Life ak lebih baek ta de kwn, ak dh ta heran dlu ade kawan rapat sume, but now ak rse if ade ke ta de, ak ta kesah dh sume tho. Now life ak lgy beter dri dlu. Byk bende yg ak belajar. Bia owg na ckp ak sombong ke ape. Tiade spe yg taw ap ak alami skunk. Spe2 yg penah rapat ang aku dulu, thanks for everything okee.
*Opss kaw terase ke ? kesah ke aku. Haha, peduli lh weyh. Aku dh penat and bosan na dgr prob kaw tho je larh. Kaw jgn kawan dgn aku lgy lh weyh, ak kejam. Lgy kejam. So jgn dekat2 dgn ak lgy. Haha*
Crying again :(
Mlm smlm nanges psl u lagy. Tiap2 mlm mata saket byk sgtt nages. Ewmm ta than tgok owg laen pkai rntai u. Then i tngu u balek umh, i ta lrat teros tertido. i txt u ckp na tdo. Pening pale. Then pagi2 dh dpt text u , u buat i terharu sume, u say sorie sume. Nanges that time. Miss our old relationship. Ite ta mcm dlu kan ? psl pe ntah larh. U ckp dlm hati u ade i sorg je. Im say soriee too, lupekan ape yg dh berlaku. Myb i yg tlampau emosional sgtt kowt. Haha, Now ite dh oke kan biee.
'Bby, bie need bby' . im need u moree biee. Nothing can change okee.
U're my everything. Sayang i dkt u ta penah berubah. Evendo u dh wt mcm2, and i pon dh byk marah2 u. Haha, marah kan tndanye sayang kankan ? U are minee oke. Only youu mydear. Isukeu.Ineedu.Iwantu.Imissu.Isayangu.Ihugu.Ikissu. Lovelove u everyday bieey. Ta sabar nananak mengedate dgn awkk. Sayang..
'Bby, bie need bby' . im need u moree biee. Nothing can change okee.
U're my everything. Sayang i dkt u ta penah berubah. Evendo u dh wt mcm2, and i pon dh byk marah2 u. Haha, marah kan tndanye sayang kankan ? U are minee oke. Only youu mydear. Isukeu.Ineedu.Iwantu.Imissu.Isayangu.Ihugu.Ikissu. Lovelove u everyday bieey. Ta sabar nananak mengedate dgn awkk. Sayang..
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Weyh ! perempuanmianggilee ! Kaw neyh dh ta reti malu ke weyh ! Dgn sume owg kaw nak ! Cermin lh muka kw tho skit. Ak ta taw asl lh kaw neyh jenis perempuan mcm ne ! Ak ta taw sama de kaw ang DEA mmg dh pakat na kenekan aku ! Kimak lancau kaw ! Kaw dh bwt ak ta percaye kaw lgy ! Td ak terbukak ade somebody blog neyh gamba kaw pkai rntai huruf W ? setahu ak DEA pon penah pkai rntai tho dlu. But now rntai tho dh ta de ! And bwu aku taw rntai tho dea kasi at PEREMPUANMIANG THO ! Kowg neyh mmg sialcelaka lh! Smpai aty kaw buat ak cmni ! Babiieekimak ! WEYH ZYRA ! KAW DH BPE KALI KENE SOUND ANG AK KAN ! TAW NA TAKOT PLK KAN ! STILL TA PAHAM BAHASE LGY ! MMG LH KAW NEYH KAN. MIANG TERAMAT ! DH TA DE OWG LAEN KE KAW NA MENGATAL ! PEDULI LH KAW NA MENGATAL ANG SPE2 PON. SBB MUKA KAW MMG TA RETI MALU ! HANJENG LH KAW ! NASEB AK TA LETAK PIC KA YG **** THO AT SINI. IF TA POPULAR KAW WEYH ! AK BELOM KEJAM LGY !
purple :)
Hoho, hey kawan2. Haha, sukee plk aku kan. Ehh pic d atas neyh bawu upload time besday tersayang. Sajee na menunjuk. Haha, Memang pon na tnjuk kankan. Kaw sebok2 pehal ? Gi maen jaoh2, jgn na kacau owg. Haha
Wahh sweet ke ? comel ke ? Perasan je lebih. Dye je yg comel lebih. Biee, awk jgn perasan sgtt okee. Pujii je neyh. heee, Time neyh dkt umah awkk kan. jengjeng.. Haha, ushhhh then sempat snap kan biee. Sukeee gileee saye.
Pic d atas neyh time meet adek fara. Ptg tho gi pavi jup, biee aku temankan ak mao jmpe bdk gedik neyh. Dea pon pkai purple gak. Wahh beshh je sume purple. Sempat snap pic kejap. HAHAHA. Then dh na dkt malam tho, dpt message ayah swuh blek. Salam2 pelok2 ciom2 si fara neyh.
Then bie anta smpai mono. Na swuh dea anta smpai umh, sian plk dea kunk. Jaoh2 kan bie. Wahh sadd gilee na tinggalkan awkk taw ta. Tgok face awkk yg mcm na nages tho. Tpy act ta pon. HAHA, Comell gilee taw. Ite swuh awkk blek umh gak. Ta bgi awk lepak2ang spe2. Kejam ta saye? Elehhh bia lh kan. Jeleshh lh tgok awk dgn owg laen, evendo kwn awkk kan. grr~ Ak dh smpai umh, message bie kejap, then teros tertido. Zzzzz penat agknye. HAHAHA.
-story ending-
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Happy Birthday mybebieee.
Syg, 16March2010
Dh 18thn awkk iyee. Nananak wish neyh, Hepi besday <3
Ite dpt spend time together 1day kan syg. Ta de spe kacau kan ? Awkk sanggup amik cuty kan syg ? Beshh sgtt ! ite pakai baju same kan ? Boria ! HAHA, Then ade makcek tho gatal2 tbe2 jatuh dkt awk, then dea tegor ' Eh baju same?' Sebokk je makcek tho kan bie. Ite dh senyum2 dh evendo ngah marah gilee psl awkk lambat amek ite psl awk sebok kemas umah! Hahaha. Tpi ite Lovee awkk byk2 taw ! Awkk tho makin tua ke ? Ehh ta perangai tho kene ubah okee. Dewasa skit, ejek ite ta matang je kan. Alalala, sygg soriee taw ite ta sempat na blikan pape, but ite ade wtkan awk special kankan ? Hope biee sukee taw. If bie suke, bby lgy suke. okee ? haha. Iwantneedmisshugkisslove youu everyday syg. Tiap hari Sayang okee. Biee jage kesihatan elok2 taw. Jgn keje kuat sgtt taw ta ? Dengar ta neyh ? HAHA. Sygg awk gendudmontelteddybear saye. grr~
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Nothing !
Mlm td ak g balai, bwt repod polis. Psl pe ? Ta pyh taw lh. Ta pnting dh. Now ak pkir na tegakkan kebenaran antara aku dgn Geng2 BETINASUNDAL+LELAKIJAHANAM ! HAHA BODOOO ! Aku puas aty je skunk neyh. Esk kne menghadap face kowg tho lagy. Ak menyampah ! if ta psl kes neyh mmg ak meluat na pandang muka kowg tho. Aku amik sume neyh sebagai pengajaran aku. Ak hope afta diz bende cmni ta kan berlaku lgy. Sekian.. HAHA
Aku Happy ? knpe ? sbb besday biee ak dh na dkt ! Aku plk yg excited. Hee, ite sayang awkk je lh biee. Ta curangg lh ! Ite slalu gado kan bie ? knape ek ? psl syg lh ite gado kn. Ite taw lh ite neyh kuat jelesh ! Tpy mmg ptot ite kene jelesh kan. Then yg besh tho every night ite gayut kan. If ta leh ckp lme, ckp kejap pon jdi lh. Jnji leh dgr sore awk yg comel tho ! Haha, kelaka je awkk. Biee, awkk tho suke marah2ite, kdg2 tho ite smpi jd suke bile awk marah. Ite angau at awkk lh ! Haha, ta kesa dgr awk mara. Bcause time awk mara ite suke tgok face awk yg *blushing* gileee. Beshh gilee. Ite senyum je.
Aku Happy ? knpe ? sbb besday biee ak dh na dkt ! Aku plk yg excited. Hee, ite sayang awkk je lh biee. Ta curangg lh ! Ite slalu gado kan bie ? knape ek ? psl syg lh ite gado kn. Ite taw lh ite neyh kuat jelesh ! Tpy mmg ptot ite kene jelesh kan. Then yg besh tho every night ite gayut kan. If ta leh ckp lme, ckp kejap pon jdi lh. Jnji leh dgr sore awk yg comel tho ! Haha, kelaka je awkk. Biee, awkk tho suke marah2ite, kdg2 tho ite smpi jd suke bile awk marah. Ite angau at awkk lh ! Haha, ta kesa dgr awk mara. Bcause time awk mara ite suke tgok face awk yg *blushing* gileee. Beshh gilee. Ite senyum je.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Alala, today ak bru rse na tlis blog. Dh berabad aku ta update kan. Aishh entah lh, busy kowt. Bz ape? Ak pon ta taw lh. Tdo ta penah ckup. Suke sgt tdo lewat2 ak neyh. Dh tabiat aku kowt suke tdo lewat. Now Aku dh lazy gilee na g skolh. Everyday ta de mood at skolh. Ak ta taw lh. Knape ssh sgtt ak na sesuaikn diri ak neyh dkt skolh
baru neyh. Evendo ta ckup setahun ak pindh sini, ak still ta leh sesuaikan dri neyh. Rse na pindah blek je skolh lme ak blek 'CONVENT'!ak na blek sne blek ! Tpy ak pkir ak spm je diz year. Ak ta taw knape susah sgtt na bwt owg sukekan ite. Ak terlampau berhati2 na plih kwn, psl start je ak skolh bwu neh ak dh silap plih kwn. Smpai skunk stil ta setel lgy. Psl 'SI M' tho ak jd ta tenteram na study. Ak pelik dgn kaw neyh. ak na gelarkan kaw dlm kategori 'Betinasundalankharam'! Ape yg kaw a puas aty ang ak haa ? Ap ak dh bwt kt kaw smpai kaw dok na mengata aku sume smpai ak ta leh tahan kowt. Kaw sgt melampau!
S : Alaaa siM tho jelesh dgn kaw
Y : Aku dh bosan dowh. Hari2 ak dok dgr owg ckp2 psl aku. Terok sgt ke aku ?
S : Kaw sabar je okee.
Y : Ewmmm. Ak leh sabar, Tpy smpai ble ?
~grrrrr ak bosan ! bosan dgn skolh neyh ! Bosan dgn bdk2 yg perangai ta ubah mcm beruk at hutan ! FUCKFUCKFUCK geng kaw yg prangai ta ubah mcm budak bawu kenal dunia ! Ak akn senyap je skunk. Ite tgok spe yg hebat nty !
Tkar topic laen ,
Aishhh, renduuu gilee thap gaban dgn awakk lh ! Spe ek ? biee ak lh ! HAHA. Ble rendu je ak pasang lagu Camelia-irwansyah. Ape kne mngena lgu tho dgn rendu ak neyh ? haha, ak pon ta taw. Ak entah knape bolee jd suke gilee dgr lgu tho. Then , smbil tho tgok pic bie yg cutee tho. Cute ke ? HAHA, Elehh sje na puji awkk taw. Tpy awk slalu marah sye ble sye ckp awk cute. Kelaka lh awk neyh. Ite ta ckup tdo pon psl awk taw ! Tiap2 mlm gado. Sometimes benda kecik pon na kecoh2 gak. Haha, salah dua2 oke. Tpy ite suke gado ang awk. Sbb nty na dgr awkk pujok sye sume. Beshhh gile time cmtho. Heeeee *miangg*. Awk slalu ckp ang ite 'bby jgn lh nages,bie pomish ta wt dh'. Aishh suke dgr awk ckp cmtho. Tp kdg2 tho geram gak dkt awk, sbb awk suke bwt ite nanges. Ite ta na leave awkk lh bie. Psl ite syg awk sowg je larh. Ta sbr na jmpe awk sok ! Yeppiee ! Nananak date ngade2 ang awk. Na cubit2 awk lepaskan geram neyh. Heeee, Imissyouu moreee syggs.
baru neyh. Evendo ta ckup setahun ak pindh sini, ak still ta leh sesuaikan dri neyh. Rse na pindah blek je skolh lme ak blek 'CONVENT'!ak na blek sne blek ! Tpy ak pkir ak spm je diz year. Ak ta taw knape susah sgtt na bwt owg sukekan ite. Ak terlampau berhati2 na plih kwn, psl start je ak skolh bwu neh ak dh silap plih kwn. Smpai skunk stil ta setel lgy. Psl 'SI M' tho ak jd ta tenteram na study. Ak pelik dgn kaw neyh. ak na gelarkan kaw dlm kategori 'Betinasundalankharam'! Ape yg kaw a puas aty ang ak haa ? Ap ak dh bwt kt kaw smpai kaw dok na mengata aku sume smpai ak ta leh tahan kowt. Kaw sgt melampau!
S : Alaaa siM tho jelesh dgn kaw
Y : Aku dh bosan dowh. Hari2 ak dok dgr owg ckp2 psl aku. Terok sgt ke aku ?
S : Kaw sabar je okee.
Y : Ewmmm. Ak leh sabar, Tpy smpai ble ?
~grrrrr ak bosan ! bosan dgn skolh neyh ! Bosan dgn bdk2 yg perangai ta ubah mcm beruk at hutan ! FUCKFUCKFUCK geng kaw yg prangai ta ubah mcm budak bawu kenal dunia ! Ak akn senyap je skunk. Ite tgok spe yg hebat nty !
Tkar topic laen ,
Aishhh, renduuu gilee thap gaban dgn awakk lh ! Spe ek ? biee ak lh ! HAHA. Ble rendu je ak pasang lagu Camelia-irwansyah. Ape kne mngena lgu tho dgn rendu ak neyh ? haha, ak pon ta taw. Ak entah knape bolee jd suke gilee dgr lgu tho. Then , smbil tho tgok pic bie yg cutee tho. Cute ke ? HAHA, Elehh sje na puji awkk taw. Tpy awk slalu marah sye ble sye ckp awk cute. Kelaka lh awk neyh. Ite ta ckup tdo pon psl awk taw ! Tiap2 mlm gado. Sometimes benda kecik pon na kecoh2 gak. Haha, salah dua2 oke. Tpy ite suke gado ang awk. Sbb nty na dgr awkk pujok sye sume. Beshhh gile time cmtho. Heeeee *miangg*. Awk slalu ckp ang ite 'bby jgn lh nages,bie pomish ta wt dh'. Aishh suke dgr awk ckp cmtho. Tp kdg2 tho geram gak dkt awk, sbb awk suke bwt ite nanges. Ite ta na leave awkk lh bie. Psl ite syg awk sowg je larh. Ta sbr na jmpe awk sok ! Yeppiee ! Nananak date ngade2 ang awk. Na cubit2 awk lepaskan geram neyh. Heeee, Imissyouu moreee syggs.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tour to Bandung :)
Heyy ! Firstly na remind balek time holiday baru2 neyh 'Chiness New year' 1 week holiday. Family plan holiday to bandung. Not first time larh dah jejak sane. Dah bpe kli ntah. Every year kowt. Because family sebelah mom ade stay sne. Kebetulan, ade weeding at sne. So 2 dlm 1 larh kan. Shoping&weeding. HAHA. 4owg je yg pegi, parents, aku , along and with friends mumy d kl. So kire2 agak more 10 owg larh kowt.
1st day smpai sne, aku dh bising2 dkt along na g usha tmpat shoping yg pling fav aku pling suke bile dtg bandung. Then along said '' relax lh weyh, ite ade 1 week at sni. Jgn ghairah sgt.''
Jom aku promote,
If spe2 yg rse na pegi, perkara wajib tmpat yg kowg msty pegi at 'Rumah Mode'.Tmpat shoping yg pling popular. Got many brand shirt,jeans,pants,yg price nye sgt available. Example like AX,GUESS and some more. If dkt m'sia susah na dpt price yg mcm tho murah di sane.
Then if na lagy murah, pergi d 'Pasar Baru'
Tmpat neyh bole dkatakan same mcm 'PetalingStreet' d m'sia. heeee. More cheeper ! Mumy buy 'telekung' and 7pasang kain ela manik yg mmg ta de at sini. HAHA. Rambang mata ohhh. Sangat2 excited. Sume benda na beli.
Like 'telekung' we get 80 ribu rupiah. Bole tawar menawar lagi okee.
Ta smpai RM50 dkt m'sia. Sangat murah kan. If dkt sni, price bole dkatakan lebih rm100!Got jaket leather, jeans, shoes, batik, and moremore things yg cheap !
Lagi tmpat shoping yg intresting d 'Jln Champelas' agak jaoh skit larh. But berbaloi okee. Like shoes, jeans, or shirt ade yg murah and mahal. So kne pndai plih lh.
Byk lagi place shoping yg besh. So kowg bolee banyak plihan dkt sane. And ta perlu risau segala transport sume ade.
Food plk, agak berbeza dkt m'sia. So spe2 yg rse diri tho agak cerewet psl makanan perlu lh tolak tepi oke. Tpi not bad gak. Like 'bakso or batagor'. Rugi spe yg ta cuba. Dkt sane aku hari2 mkn bakso. HAHA. If nasi kurg apetite lh plk kan. So lebih suke bakso ! yummy. Dkt sini ade gak bakso, di Pavalion rse nye or d jalan bangsar.
tpi ta sdap mcm bakso ori! HAHA. Byk kerenah je aku neyh.
So, pape pown akhir bln 12 neyh na gi lgy sane. Sbb ta puas ohhh. If dok 1 month pon msty ta ckup kowg na abiskan jalan2 at sne. Planing iteowg na g jakarta. Tpy ta sempat that time coz at sne ngah banjir. And asyik ujan je kan.
Finish dh na story psl holiday aku neyh. Act byk lgy na stry neyh. Tpy jari dh rse mcm na putus je taip. HAHA. TIPUU sgtt lh ak neyh kankan. daaaa <3
1st day smpai sne, aku dh bising2 dkt along na g usha tmpat shoping yg pling fav aku pling suke bile dtg bandung. Then along said '' relax lh weyh, ite ade 1 week at sni. Jgn ghairah sgt.''
Jom aku promote,
If spe2 yg rse na pegi, perkara wajib tmpat yg kowg msty pegi at 'Rumah Mode'.Tmpat shoping yg pling popular. Got many brand shirt,jeans,pants,yg price nye sgt available. Example like AX,GUESS and some more. If dkt m'sia susah na dpt price yg mcm tho murah di sane.
Then if na lagy murah, pergi d 'Pasar Baru'
Tmpat neyh bole dkatakan same mcm 'PetalingStreet' d m'sia. heeee. More cheeper ! Mumy buy 'telekung' and 7pasang kain ela manik yg mmg ta de at sini. HAHA. Rambang mata ohhh. Sangat2 excited. Sume benda na beli.
Like 'telekung' we get 80 ribu rupiah. Bole tawar menawar lagi okee.
Ta smpai RM50 dkt m'sia. Sangat murah kan. If dkt sni, price bole dkatakan lebih rm100!Got jaket leather, jeans, shoes, batik, and moremore things yg cheap !
Lagi tmpat shoping yg intresting d 'Jln Champelas' agak jaoh skit larh. But berbaloi okee. Like shoes, jeans, or shirt ade yg murah and mahal. So kne pndai plih lh.
Byk lagi place shoping yg besh. So kowg bolee banyak plihan dkt sane. And ta perlu risau segala transport sume ade.
Food plk, agak berbeza dkt m'sia. So spe2 yg rse diri tho agak cerewet psl makanan perlu lh tolak tepi oke. Tpi not bad gak. Like 'bakso or batagor'. Rugi spe yg ta cuba. Dkt sane aku hari2 mkn bakso. HAHA. If nasi kurg apetite lh plk kan. So lebih suke bakso ! yummy. Dkt sini ade gak bakso, di Pavalion rse nye or d jalan bangsar.
tpi ta sdap mcm bakso ori! HAHA. Byk kerenah je aku neyh.
So, pape pown akhir bln 12 neyh na gi lgy sane. Sbb ta puas ohhh. If dok 1 month pon msty ta ckup kowg na abiskan jalan2 at sne. Planing iteowg na g jakarta. Tpy ta sempat that time coz at sne ngah banjir. And asyik ujan je kan.
Finish dh na story psl holiday aku neyh. Act byk lgy na stry neyh. Tpy jari dh rse mcm na putus je taip. HAHA. TIPUU sgtt lh ak neyh kankan. daaaa <3
Monday, February 22, 2010
Moody !
Hey ! Lme gile ta update. Psl dh lme ta onnline. Dh lme ta bkk lappy. Busy gilee. Baruu blek holiday. Ta ckup tido.Banyak gile homework & folio art ta bwt pape lgy. Esk kne skolh. Balek pulak skolh gado ang die. Dea ckp dea bz ? bz pasal ape pon ta taw lh. Then bwt aku mcm rse owg bodo. Soriee terkasar plk. Ewmm tpi ta pe. Sabar dgn melayan kerenah dea. Owg dh sayangkan mcm ni lh kan. Aku plk konon na bwt busy so ta de lh pkir sgt nak dea je. Tpi mcm ta leh je. Perasaan aku neyh spe yg na jage ? Asyik aku je yg kne jge hati dea. Aku cry.cry.cry. Ade spe2 yg kesa ke ? Stupid lh kaw yana. Aku ke salah ? aishh mls na pkir lagy psl neyh. Ta lrat na taip dh. Rse pening2 je. Ta ckup tdo ! Spe swuh kaw tdo lewat2 mlm ? nanges plk tho ? Skunk neyh spe yg susah ? diri sndri kaw gak kan. Aku rse mcm sowg2 je ? ye kee ? ape aku mepek neyh ? Byk homwork na bwt. Essay ta siap lgy. Sume bende dok tangguh ta siap. Daaaaaaaa...
*truely sadness*
*truely sadness*
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The only one :)
I'll come for you
If you just wait for me
You're the one I want to be with
The one I want to spend the rest of my life with
The one I see myself growing old with
You're the only one
That has shown me
That you really care
You're the only one I need
The only one I want
The only one I love
The one I,m always thinking of
The one I gave the key to my heart to
You're the one I care about
The one that makes me happy
You're the one I want to make happy
The one I want to hold
In my arms forever
I wish I could run to you
The one I could be with
I love you
*You are almost as good as what you wish for others*
If you just wait for me
You're the one I want to be with
The one I want to spend the rest of my life with
The one I see myself growing old with
You're the only one
That has shown me
That you really care
You're the only one I need
The only one I want
The only one I love
The one I,m always thinking of
The one I gave the key to my heart to
You're the one I care about
The one that makes me happy
You're the one I want to make happy
The one I want to hold
In my arms forever
I wish I could run to you
The one I could be with
I love you
*You are almost as good as what you wish for others*
tomorow :)
Ta sabar na tngu esok larh. Na ngedate dgn dea lh. Auwww renduuu sgtt ang awkk lh. Ite ngah tnggu call awk neyh. Na gayut2 lh ape lgy. HAHA. Everyday ite gayut kan bie ? Ta bosann lgsung dgr sore awakk yg agak mngoda tho. HAHAHA. Today ite gdo2 lgy kan bie ? missunderstanding je kan ? ite sayang awk. awk pon syg saye kankan?
Ehh before ite bertolak g bandung, na pesan dkt awk jgn nakal2 taw. Aishhh mmg lh ite akn ta contact kejap. Tpi tngu je lh smpai ite balek taw. Awk jgn lh sedih. Ite ta pnah lupekan awk lh.
*soriee agk jiwang neyh, tpy ikhlas dri hati ite yg ite slalu sentiase dekat dgn awk*
Ehh before ite bertolak g bandung, na pesan dkt awk jgn nakal2 taw. Aishhh mmg lh ite akn ta contact kejap. Tpi tngu je lh smpai ite balek taw. Awk jgn lh sedih. Ite ta pnah lupekan awk lh.
*soriee agk jiwang neyh, tpy ikhlas dri hati ite yg ite slalu sentiase dekat dgn awk*
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day :)
Her !
Heyy ! So boredd today, emm and agk moody skit coz mysayang pergi jaoh dari aku. Dye gi perak ade amende ntah. So na texting pon agak susah, dye bz sgtt. Aku plk sowg2, ishhh renduu taw ta. Then leh lk gado2 lgy ite kan bie. Mlm smlm awkk smpat bwt ss, gayut ang ite. Sbb awk kate nty at sne dh ta leh na call kan. Tngu awkk blek kan. Iyee lh ite tngu lh neyh.
Ite borak2 sume, before awk call tho, tangan ite luka kne pisau. Myb ite careless sgtt kowt. Byk sgtt darah. Saye dh lh takot tgok darah byk sgt. Awkk marah2 bebel at ite. Aishh ite ckp ang awk jgn risau lh.
Sayang plk awk dkt ite kan. HAHAHA. Ehh ape ite merepek neyh ? entah lh ite renduu gilee tahap babun gileee neyh at awk. Awakk wish 'HAPPY VALENTINE SAYANG'
Auwww ite senyap plk. Ite sukee lh, sukee sgtt taw ta.
Cepatt lh ari rabu kan syg ? Sbb na mengedik na mengedate ang awakk kan kan ? grr ta sabar na jumpe awk lh gemoks ! Hahaha, aishh pendek ! ehh awkk msty marah ite ejek awk kan ? awk marah sweet kowt.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Stupid , Madd !!
Heyy guys ! Im not in mood ! Sometimes i can be a bad , cruel person or anything u want to call me as you want ! yess im your 'anemies'. Don't tell me if I'm wrong. Don't teach me what is right. I do know who i really am. Though you always see me fight. It is the people who mince no words. That are often mistaken as bad. They insist on being heard. While everyone calls them mad. I'm going to speak louder. And i will not step down.In any case, I'll be damned if i do or don't. I'll be the next talk of the town.
People just like to gossip. They have nothing better to do. And it's probably time for me. To bid you all adieu. I cannot stand these lies. I cannot stand these acts.
You should all wake up. And separate your opinions from the facts.
I simply cannot do this. Acting to please you all. And i highly doubt
That you'll help me when i fall. I'll be damned if i do and damned if i don't.
Heck, i'm gonna be just me. I tend to stand among the crowds.
And i have a spirit that is free. So, it is the people who mince no words. That are often mistaken as bad. And i insist on being heard. Even if you consider me mad.
As I look upon my situation. I growl in frustration.Because I'm trying so hard
Just to be called a Retard... Now lets forget the ryhming. Because its really not my thing. And now I'm just tired. Of doing the same old thing. Of trying to be someone I'm not. Of trying to be you. But I'm me. No questions asked!Stop trying to protect MY virture.
Please !I don't give a damn ! I say what's in my head ! I'm like an unopened book.
Just begging to be read. I am outspoken. And it's no matter to meIt's an honour just to be myself. To speak proudly. I say what I want to say. And when I want to say; so go weep.I f you don't like me then, that's too badI don't lose one bit of sleep.
Cry over what I've said. It means you have a week heart. If you would have know me many years you'd see. I was outspoken from the start.
* Not necessarily factual, but i just like to swim against the current. I also have a very dark opinion of what "society" is. Let me leave it at that.
-too many personalities to be tame-
ps;im hope youu and you enjoy to read this ! not to show off !!
People just like to gossip. They have nothing better to do. And it's probably time for me. To bid you all adieu. I cannot stand these lies. I cannot stand these acts.
You should all wake up. And separate your opinions from the facts.
I simply cannot do this. Acting to please you all. And i highly doubt
That you'll help me when i fall. I'll be damned if i do and damned if i don't.
Heck, i'm gonna be just me. I tend to stand among the crowds.
And i have a spirit that is free. So, it is the people who mince no words. That are often mistaken as bad. And i insist on being heard. Even if you consider me mad.
As I look upon my situation. I growl in frustration.Because I'm trying so hard
Just to be called a Retard... Now lets forget the ryhming. Because its really not my thing. And now I'm just tired. Of doing the same old thing. Of trying to be someone I'm not. Of trying to be you. But I'm me. No questions asked!Stop trying to protect MY virture.
Please !I don't give a damn ! I say what's in my head ! I'm like an unopened book.
Just begging to be read. I am outspoken. And it's no matter to meIt's an honour just to be myself. To speak proudly. I say what I want to say. And when I want to say; so go weep.I f you don't like me then, that's too badI don't lose one bit of sleep.
Cry over what I've said. It means you have a week heart. If you would have know me many years you'd see. I was outspoken from the start.
* Not necessarily factual, but i just like to swim against the current. I also have a very dark opinion of what "society" is. Let me leave it at that.
-too many personalities to be tame-
ps;im hope youu and you enjoy to read this ! not to show off !!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
i wish
I wish I was the girl to bring happiness to your eyes,
To be there for you & make sure your sparkle never dies.
I wish I was the girl who made you smile behind your cries,
Who would be the one to make you strong, your angel in disguise.
I wish I was the girl you would show off to your guys,
The one you would tell everything & never touch lies.
I wish I was the girl you'd love with every inch of heart,
Who you'd cherish in your every moment, to end, from start.
I wish I was the special one you'd think about all the time,
The one who lifts you up so high it's almost as if your flying.
I wish I was your baby girl who'd always make you smile,
Who'd turn silence into laughter & make it all worthwhile.
I wish I was the strongest rope to help pull you through,
And iIwish you needed me right now as much as I need you
My loving desire
People ask me if we're together, what am i meant to say?
No.. Maybe... Yes.. who knows.. -sighs-
Every time i look in your eyes
My heart races no lie
Every time my lips touch yours its like I'm on cloud nine
Every time i have to let you go I must almost cry
When i hold you tight its like a happiness i cant explain
I love the way you are cause that's just you.. never plain
Your in my head twenty-four seven
But i never see you, that feels like nine-eleven
One day could be a week
One week could be a month
For when I'm thinking of you my mind goes with you to
The Past, Present or Future
you are my all
I can't leave this place without seeing this through
otherwise ill never forget you
I dont know what else to say..
I love you?? No far to strong.. but intense care i do..
But ill just keep on walking with my head held high
And ill always be thinking you, till the day i die
to my SAYANG <3
To be there for you & make sure your sparkle never dies.
I wish I was the girl who made you smile behind your cries,
Who would be the one to make you strong, your angel in disguise.
I wish I was the girl you would show off to your guys,
The one you would tell everything & never touch lies.
I wish I was the girl you'd love with every inch of heart,
Who you'd cherish in your every moment, to end, from start.
I wish I was the special one you'd think about all the time,
The one who lifts you up so high it's almost as if your flying.
I wish I was your baby girl who'd always make you smile,
Who'd turn silence into laughter & make it all worthwhile.
I wish I was the strongest rope to help pull you through,
And iIwish you needed me right now as much as I need you
My loving desire
People ask me if we're together, what am i meant to say?
No.. Maybe... Yes.. who knows.. -sighs-
Every time i look in your eyes
My heart races no lie
Every time my lips touch yours its like I'm on cloud nine
Every time i have to let you go I must almost cry
When i hold you tight its like a happiness i cant explain
I love the way you are cause that's just you.. never plain
Your in my head twenty-four seven
But i never see you, that feels like nine-eleven
One day could be a week
One week could be a month
For when I'm thinking of you my mind goes with you to
The Past, Present or Future
you are my all
I can't leave this place without seeing this through
otherwise ill never forget you
I dont know what else to say..
I love you?? No far to strong.. but intense care i do..
But ill just keep on walking with my head held high
And ill always be thinking you, till the day i die
to my SAYANG <3
Looking back on everything,
I still remember her smile.
I wish things didn't end so soon,
And turn back time for awhile.
No matter how much it hurts,
I still love her so.
A part of me needs her so much,
Can't seem to let her go.
Knowing I won't be able to see her,
Makes my heart cry out in pain.
I can't believe we won't talk anymore,
The thought makes me wanna go insane.
She was my reason for waking up,
For the smile you see on my face.
Going a single day without her,
Makes me feel so out of place.
I was afraid of opening up,
Now I'm afraid of the next day.
Whenever I see her one last time,
I'm terrified of what he may say.
I know tomorrow will hurt,
But the tears will fade away.
Life is too short for regrets,
There will be a brighter day.
But when I see her one last time,
I won't know what to do...
When he tells me that last goodbye,
I'll whisper,"I already miss you.."
I wrote this poem because i waiting and waiting to see her again. Things will change, feelings will change, but I'll miss her like crazy until I can see her again. Thanks for reading.. hope you enjoyed. <33
*your love*
I still remember her smile.
I wish things didn't end so soon,
And turn back time for awhile.
No matter how much it hurts,
I still love her so.
A part of me needs her so much,
Can't seem to let her go.
Knowing I won't be able to see her,
Makes my heart cry out in pain.
I can't believe we won't talk anymore,
The thought makes me wanna go insane.
She was my reason for waking up,
For the smile you see on my face.
Going a single day without her,
Makes me feel so out of place.
I was afraid of opening up,
Now I'm afraid of the next day.
Whenever I see her one last time,
I'm terrified of what he may say.
I know tomorrow will hurt,
But the tears will fade away.
Life is too short for regrets,
There will be a brighter day.
But when I see her one last time,
I won't know what to do...
When he tells me that last goodbye,
I'll whisper,"I already miss you.."
I wrote this poem because i waiting and waiting to see her again. Things will change, feelings will change, but I'll miss her like crazy until I can see her again. Thanks for reading.. hope you enjoyed. <33
*your love*
Yeppiee !!!
Exam finish ! yehaaaaaaaa ! sukeee ! Nananak tido puas2 neyh. Esok plk na ponteng
mls na dtg skolh. HAHA. Mentang2 dh abis exm kan. So suka ati je na dtg ke ta.
Biey nty mlm ite na gayut ang awkk lgy. Ishh sayang awkk lh bie. Bie neyh kan suke sgtt pkir bkn2 taw ta. Grrr, geram je tgok awk neyh taw ta. Gendutt ! igt pomish ite taw. ILOVEYOU <3 WAN
mls na dtg skolh. HAHA. Mentang2 dh abis exm kan. So suka ati je na dtg ke ta.
Biey nty mlm ite na gayut ang awkk lgy. Ishh sayang awkk lh bie. Bie neyh kan suke sgtt pkir bkn2 taw ta. Grrr, geram je tgok awk neyh taw ta. Gendutt ! igt pomish ite taw. ILOVEYOU <3 WAN
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Mineee !
Hey ! Hari neyh happy gileee. Gilee bayang je neyh. HAHA. Dpt spend time ang biey 1hari taw. Besh sgtt . Then ite sempat snap pic kan sygg ? Alalala awk gedikk. Suke sgtt wat muka gatal dea. Hahaha. Evendo jaoh penat bie dtg na meet ite at sini , bie ttp dtg kan. Itee sayang awkk je lh gemok ! Suke tgok awak gelak. Suke tgok face awkk yg gatalmiang kdg2 tergoda. Awkk suke wat face horny awk tho kan. Ngade melebih. Ehhh aku sayang dea sowg je. Yang laen2 tho jgn na sebok hal aku. Gi maen jaoh2. Aku happy sekarang. Dengan someone yg beol2 sayang kan aku. Thanks :D
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wahh, mate aku ngantok gilee neyh. Mlm smalam gedik2miang gayut ang biee syggs. Every night ite gayut kan biee. Sometimes dah ta taw na ckp ape dh. Mule dh merepek ntah pape sume. HAHAHA. Biee awakk manjee taw ta ! Ngade melebih2 sgtt. Sukee awakk taw ta. Today fridy awk pomish na dtg meet ite. Ite wait awkk at umah. Ta sabar gilee na jumpe awak ! Jumpe je awk, ite teros na pelok awakk taw. SAYANG AWAKK !
Terlebih over plk aku kan. Eh aku dh de someone oke ! Kaw ta pyh na disturb aku ! Aku juz sygg my only bieey je . Bukan KAW ! kaw lh weyh ! Ta phm2 lgy ek.
To everyone yg penah share prob ang yna, yg dok slalu dgr yana nanges sume. But now yna dh try na mulakan new life kowt, with someone yg betol2 SAYANG kan yana
*Im wish u always beside me , for everything im realy lovee u*
Only u okee <3
Terlebih over plk aku kan. Eh aku dh de someone oke ! Kaw ta pyh na disturb aku ! Aku juz sygg my only bieey je . Bukan KAW ! kaw lh weyh ! Ta phm2 lgy ek.
To everyone yg penah share prob ang yna, yg dok slalu dgr yana nanges sume. But now yna dh try na mulakan new life kowt, with someone yg betol2 SAYANG kan yana
*Im wish u always beside me , for everything im realy lovee u*
Only u okee <3
Somebody !
Feeling like a fool inside
Seeing all the things you tried
I am nothing
I look I sign
I need someone
Inside to help me out
With what I'm trying
I'm ying I'm frying
In a pile of.....
I'm dying
I'm dying
I'm dying
I need somebody(someone)
Seeing all the things you tried
I am nothing
I look I sign
I need someone
Inside to help me out
With what I'm trying
I'm ying I'm frying
In a pile of.....
I'm dying
I'm dying
I'm dying
I need somebody(someone)
When faith is put at test.
Hidup tak selalunya lawa
Tak selalunye ada pelangi
If na kata a bed of roses pun, duri-durinya tetap ada
Sometimes...calmity tu dtg da waktu tu rase macam kene gelek ke bumi dek ahli sumo
Rasa mcm dah ta mampu bangkit
Tapi walau apa pun yang jadi... ingat apa yg DIA pesan
*Tibe2 syahdu je aku neyh,HAHAHA*
Tak selalunye ada pelangi
If na kata a bed of roses pun, duri-durinya tetap ada
Sometimes...calmity tu dtg da waktu tu rase macam kene gelek ke bumi dek ahli sumo
Rasa mcm dah ta mampu bangkit
Tapi walau apa pun yang jadi... ingat apa yg DIA pesan
*Tibe2 syahdu je aku neyh,HAHAHA*
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My own :)
Dedicated to :
My all : HER the only mine (WAN ANIS)
The wonderful people who picked up my pieces and glued it
back togther with tender-loving-care,patience and uncontional
My anchor through the storm and trubelence : ayah & mumy
My lifeguards : Along, Angah, Uda, Sibling's & Cousin's
(kak yang, esah,) NurizzatiShahar
My silver-lining bearers : Lil bro, lilsis, (Brother's & Sister's)
My very own Godsend blessing : Family
My crutches : Miamia, Mimie, Atikah & 5cekal family
I owe youu guys, big time.
Thanks. A lot.
May Allah Bless
My all : HER the only mine (WAN ANIS)
The wonderful people who picked up my pieces and glued it
back togther with tender-loving-care,patience and uncontional
My anchor through the storm and trubelence : ayah & mumy
My lifeguards : Along, Angah, Uda, Sibling's & Cousin's
(kak yang, esah,) NurizzatiShahar
My silver-lining bearers : Lil bro, lilsis, (Brother's & Sister's)
My very own Godsend blessing : Family
My crutches : Miamia, Mimie, Atikah & 5cekal family
I owe youu guys, big time.
Thanks. A lot.
May Allah Bless
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hey kawan2, HAHAHA. Dh lme aku ta update blog kowt. Busy sgtt lh weyh. Bz dok asyik pkir psl masalah aku! HAHA. Now aku na bukak buku baru, hidup mesti diteruskan. Even ta de 'DIA' pon aku leh hidup lh. Paham2 je lh spe DIA tho kan. HAHA. Aishh badan2 saket sume, kaki tangan. Hati pon saket ! Hahaha. Banyak gileee keje yg teacher bagi. Sampai ta sempat na buat kowt. Na onnline pon lgy larh jarang. Mlm je bawu free ! Ishh penat sgtt. Tido pulak ta ckup. Selalu sgtt tdo lmbat. Ape ntah na jdi ang aku neyh. Btw, aku na cakap banyak thanks to mybff 'NURIZZATISHAHAR'. She's my ever bestfriends forever. Mesti kaw sukee gileee aku tulis blog neyh ade selit name kaw. HAHAHA. SAYANG KAW LARH WEYH ! Kepada yg laen2 tho saye pon sayang gak okeee. Yang sentiasa share prob same, amik berat psl yana. Thanks sangat2 kowg. ILOVEYOU :)
weeeeeeeeeeeeee. Saye happy sekarang. Ta sedih2 mcm dlu.
Okee now, change topic.
''Ewmm, yana bilee larh kaw na berubah neyh ? Aku nak tolong kaw je weyh. Aku hope kaw paham. ''
errrrrrrrrrrr aku taw ta lh bile na brubah ! Aku ta taw ape yg aku nak skunk. Plis jgn paksa aku.
weeeeeeeeeeeeee. Saye happy sekarang. Ta sedih2 mcm dlu.
Okee now, change topic.
''Ewmm, yana bilee larh kaw na berubah neyh ? Aku nak tolong kaw je weyh. Aku hope kaw paham. ''
errrrrrrrrrrr aku taw ta lh bile na brubah ! Aku ta taw ape yg aku nak skunk. Plis jgn paksa aku.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Weyh kaw apsal yg ta puas aty ang aku ! Ta ckup ke kaw sketkan ati aku lagy ! Ape salah ku lgy at kaw ! If aku de owg laen, dh lme aku tunjuk at sume owg larh weyh ! Kaw menudoh aku memekak2 dlm fon, mcm sial marah2 aku. Kaw pkir aku neyh ape ! Laen lh kaw stil dgn aku. But now we are nothing ! Kaw ta de hak na marah2 aku sume ! Peduli lh weyh ! G mampos lh kaw ! Aku ta na nages2 psl kaw. Kaw na nages psl aku ? Biar kaw rse ape yg aku rse selama neyh. Aku trlampau bodooh ! Bodooooe sgtt psl trlampau sayangkan kaw smpai aku dipermaen kan ! Bodoooe nye aku ! Tlampau percaya owg yg aku rse bawu 5bulan aku kenal hati budi dea. Hidup aku dh kosong. Then kaw leh tdoh2 aku de owg laen. Kaw ta taw cter sebenar. Kaw menuduh aku tanpa bukti ! Aku ta perlu na explain kt kaw psl ta de makna nye if kaw taw. Ta de benda akn berubah. Kaw yg buat aku cmnieyh ! Kaw KEJAM sgtt weyh !
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Hey guys ! Aku dh BREAK ! So , kowg sume jgn lh tnye kenape ! Pasal aku pon ta taw na jwb ape dh. Suka ati aku lh aku single ke ape ! Yang kowg2 neyh sume na kecoh2 asl. HAHAHA. Aishh emo plk aku. heeee. Aku rse alone now. Rse cm nanges je hari2. But aku ta leh jd cmtho. Aku dh agak sume bende neyh ta kan kekal. Lame2 berpisah gak kan. So kpd kawan2 yg laen, jage lh bf/gf kowg. Jgn lh abaikan dowg. Hahahaha ! ape yg aku merepek neyh ? huuu. Aku penat ! letih ! marah ! benci ! gembira ! sedih ! sumee nye adee ! Aku ta taw lh ape yg aku na skunk neyh. Kenapa aku cm ta leh lupekan dea ek ! Kenapa weyh ! Ade ta sape2 at sane yg bole tlong aku lupekan dea ? Soalan ape lh aku neyh. Aku benci dea ! Ewmm knpe lh aku leh kenal ang dea ek ! Ehh peduli lh weh, aku na tlis ape2 pon at blog aku neyh ! Bkn blog kaw pon ! OPPSS ! Sorieee aku bkn na bls dendam ape ke at kaw. Entah tbe2 rse mcm na bunoh2 je kaw. Npe lh kaw bwt aku cmneyh weyh ! If aku taw dri dlu kaw cmni, dh lme aku ta kan sekali bia kan kaw muncul dlm life aku ! Aku menyesal ang kaw ? So what ! HAHAHA. Aku dh gilaaaa lh weyh !
Byk nye homwork ! Aku neyh asyik onn je keje. Bkn dpt ape pon kan. Nty ta siap sume keje kne marah kunk ang teacher ! Ade spe2 na tlong aku buatkan ke ta ? Aishhh bodoooh lh. Aku dh rse mcm sewel je skunk. Asyik dok pkir2 je. Smpai dh rse mcm na hempas2 je hp aku neyh ! Ehh knape plk lh hp aku neyh jd mangsa plk kan. Pagi2 td aku bangun nak je sent text at dea na je say 'Morning ...' mcm yg aku slalu bwt lh kan. Tpy skunk neyh h laen. Dah berubah. Mcm ne lh aku na lalui sume neyh weyh !!!!!!!!!!!! TOLONG AKUU !!!!!!!!!!!
Byk nye homwork ! Aku neyh asyik onn je keje. Bkn dpt ape pon kan. Nty ta siap sume keje kne marah kunk ang teacher ! Ade spe2 na tlong aku buatkan ke ta ? Aishhh bodoooh lh. Aku dh rse mcm sewel je skunk. Asyik dok pkir2 je. Smpai dh rse mcm na hempas2 je hp aku neyh ! Ehh knape plk lh hp aku neyh jd mangsa plk kan. Pagi2 td aku bangun nak je sent text at dea na je say 'Morning ...' mcm yg aku slalu bwt lh kan. Tpy skunk neyh h laen. Dah berubah. Mcm ne lh aku na lalui sume neyh weyh !!!!!!!!!!!! TOLONG AKUU !!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
happy !
16012010 (Sabtu)
Beshh gilee arineyh ! Aku hang ang besties aku. Ta perlu lh sebut sape nme dea. Ta pnting pon. Kahkah. Tpy papepon aku happy gilee ! Psl aku pon dah naek gile dgn dea. Bodooh je. Even aku ngah byk masalah dea bole plk ilangkan masalh aku. Mula2 dea g amik aku at area umah aku, then naek cab g ktm trun mid ! Mula2 plan na tgok wayang. Tpi rmai owg beratur panjang gilee ! Ta sanggup aku na beratur skali. Agaknye esok baru bole tgok wyang. Kahkah. Then iteowg g jalan2 . Aku mengedik mentak na shopg sume. Dea tahan je ang prangai aku. Kahkah. Thanks weyh, belikan ite baju kaler pink, jam pink. HAHAHA. HAPPY sangat2 !!!!!!! And ite na necklace elmo tho ! Ade warna merah ang biru. Ite na merah. Dea beli lh biru. HAHAHA. Ite nananak dea belikan ! HAHAHAHA ! gedikkkk tol. Nanananak juagak. Hahaha.
Adoii then ite balik same2. Smpai umah singgah kdai mkn , psl ujan plk ! Then ite tukar2 rantai! Sukeeee lagy !
Afta balek aku dh smpai umah sume, syoq na break. Hahaha, Ta pe lh. Itho keputusan dea. Aku dgn matangnye accept je lh. Aku ta na sedih2 kan. Papepon, aku happy sangat arineyh. Even owg laen ta nmpk kesedihan aku. Aku na happy cm dlu. Happy dgn kawan2 sumee. Aku happy dpt kawan2 yg memahami aku. Especially NURIZZATI shahar ! Aku sayang kaw ketat2. HAHA. And aku de BESTIES yg baek sgt ang aku. Selalu sangat share prob ang aku. Smpai sanggup dgr aku menanges sume psl dea. Smpai sanggup call aku mlm2. Thanks sgt2 yg sape2 penah happy kan aku. TQ
Beshh gilee arineyh ! Aku hang ang besties aku. Ta perlu lh sebut sape nme dea. Ta pnting pon. Kahkah. Tpy papepon aku happy gilee ! Psl aku pon dah naek gile dgn dea. Bodooh je. Even aku ngah byk masalah dea bole plk ilangkan masalh aku. Mula2 dea g amik aku at area umah aku, then naek cab g ktm trun mid ! Mula2 plan na tgok wayang. Tpi rmai owg beratur panjang gilee ! Ta sanggup aku na beratur skali. Agaknye esok baru bole tgok wyang. Kahkah. Then iteowg g jalan2 . Aku mengedik mentak na shopg sume. Dea tahan je ang prangai aku. Kahkah. Thanks weyh, belikan ite baju kaler pink, jam pink. HAHAHA. HAPPY sangat2 !!!!!!! And ite na necklace elmo tho ! Ade warna merah ang biru. Ite na merah. Dea beli lh biru. HAHAHA. Ite nananak dea belikan ! HAHAHAHA ! gedikkkk tol. Nanananak juagak. Hahaha.
Adoii then ite balik same2. Smpai umah singgah kdai mkn , psl ujan plk ! Then ite tukar2 rantai! Sukeeee lagy !
Afta balek aku dh smpai umah sume, syoq na break. Hahaha, Ta pe lh. Itho keputusan dea. Aku dgn matangnye accept je lh. Aku ta na sedih2 kan. Papepon, aku happy sangat arineyh. Even owg laen ta nmpk kesedihan aku. Aku na happy cm dlu. Happy dgn kawan2 sumee. Aku happy dpt kawan2 yg memahami aku. Especially NURIZZATI shahar ! Aku sayang kaw ketat2. HAHA. And aku de BESTIES yg baek sgt ang aku. Selalu sangat share prob ang aku. Smpai sanggup dgr aku menanges sume psl dea. Smpai sanggup call aku mlm2. Thanks sgt2 yg sape2 penah happy kan aku. TQ
Break up !
-16JANUARI2010 (07:37 PM)-
Syoq & yana (14OGOS2009-16JANUARI2010) - 5MONTHS-
Break up now. Thanks for everything. I lgsung ta de na simpan dendam at u sume. I halalkan sume. I accept keputusan u. Im really sorrie ape yg i dh pnah bwt salah at u. I hope u happy dgn life u skunk. I hope u dpt capai ape yg u na dlm future u. I ta marah u even saket ati i neyh stil ade lgy. I ta bole tpu diri i yg i still rse mcm na pulihkan blek our relationsip, but i know u dh ta na focus at i , u dh ta leh together dgn i blek. I accept sume tho. I taw u bwt sume tho utk life u. Utk tinggalkan i. I paham. I sabar na hadapi sume neyh. I ta na nanges2 psl u na tinggalkan i. I juz na u happy with ur life. And i try akan lupekan u. Even u dh lupekan i sume. Thanks okee. I happy dgn u. But ini sume keputusan u. TQ :)
From ur ex lovee
Syoq & yana (14OGOS2009-16JANUARI2010) - 5MONTHS-
Break up now. Thanks for everything. I lgsung ta de na simpan dendam at u sume. I halalkan sume. I accept keputusan u. Im really sorrie ape yg i dh pnah bwt salah at u. I hope u happy dgn life u skunk. I hope u dpt capai ape yg u na dlm future u. I ta marah u even saket ati i neyh stil ade lgy. I ta bole tpu diri i yg i still rse mcm na pulihkan blek our relationsip, but i know u dh ta na focus at i , u dh ta leh together dgn i blek. I accept sume tho. I taw u bwt sume tho utk life u. Utk tinggalkan i. I paham. I sabar na hadapi sume neyh. I ta na nanges2 psl u na tinggalkan i. I juz na u happy with ur life. And i try akan lupekan u. Even u dh lupekan i sume. Thanks okee. I happy dgn u. But ini sume keputusan u. TQ :)
From ur ex lovee
Monday, January 11, 2010
Harineyh nananak datee ! dengn spe ? ofcoz dgn syggku kan. Tpi mcm2 yg berlaku. Aku ta bole na cter at sini kan. Bia aku ang dea je yg taw. Papepon aku try utk maafkan dea ape yg dh berlaku sume neyh. Thon baru je na bermula kan, so ta nananak sedih2 sgtt. Everything dh okee. And aku ang dea bahagia semula kowt. Ape yg dh terjadi, sume nye djadikn pengajaran kan. Aku malas na tulis panjang2 neyh, haha. Okee lh. daaaaaaaaaaa (:
imissyouuu <3
Harineyh nananak datee ! dengn spe ? ofcoz dgn syggku kan. Tpi mcm2 yg berlaku. Aku ta bole na cter at sini kan. Bia aku ang dea je yg taw. Papepon aku try utk maafkan dea ape yg dh berlaku sume neyh. Thon baru je na bermula kan, so ta nananak sedih2 sgtt. Everything dh okee. And aku ang dea bahagia semula kowt. Ape yg dh terjadi, sume nye djadikn pengajaran kan. Aku malas na tulis panjang2 neyh, haha. Okee lh. daaaaaaaaaaa (:
imissyouuu <3
NEW YEAR ! 2010
Hey kawan2 ! Selamat Tahun Baru ! Kehadiran 2010 yang amat dinantikan. Hahaha. Bile thon baru msty azam baru kan ?Aku ade lh calon SPM thon neyh. So azam baru aku thon neyh ofcoz na study hard utk SPM kan. Yang azam laen2 tho aku rse ta na lh berkobar2 excited sgt na pasang azam baru ! HAHA. Bcause azam2 thon lepas pon ta tercapai lgy. For myself , aku try na menjadi seorang yg lebih b'fikiran matang especially aku dpt handle prob tho seorang dri tnpa bantuan sape2. So , aku hope sgt thon ney mjadi thon yg pling indah bagiku. Hahaha. Bolee ke ?
Sayonara 2009..Dan slamat dtg 2010. Hope orang2 yg kusayangi dpt lh mencapai azam kowg tho iyee.
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