Sunday, April 4, 2010

myLOVE !

Sygg, imissyouusomuchy. Everyday ite gado2 kan syg ? Hahaha, Ta pe lh mengeratkan lgy silaturahim kankan ? U are My love, My lover, My friend, My one, My only, My end.
The one, Who owns, My heart.
Iwantneedmisshugkissyouu moree bebieey <3

From the first time I saw you
To this very day
Who ever knew
Wed be this way

Were happy one minute
Then you become mad
After seeing you like that
I become sad

Its reality, though
But yeah, its tough
You got to take it slow
And sand down the rough

It seems harder than most
And better than some
Nothing is perfect
Oh what weve become

So fragile and staggered
So beaten and worn down
Use to love that cute smile
But all I see now, is a frown

It hurts me so much
It makes me start to cry
I just decide to lay there
And wonder, oh why

Why are you with me
If I make you this way
Cause its called love
And Ill love you everyday

Lovelovelove <3

-urlovely yana-


  1. alahaiiii so sweet :))) yana nih romantik lahhhh :DD

  2. HAHAHA, Kaka lala :D
    ite mmg romentik pown. Bwu taw ? HAHAHA, syg akk <3
